Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Book, For Now

I decided to cover my book only with stuff I could find in the alley.
[More about that in final post, below.]

I liked the arrows on the cover so much, I was reluctant to cover them up, so I was glad to find a see-through mesh bag (for Persian Limes) for the front cover. (Or I could flip the book around and it could be the back cover.)

After I glued that up (and pressed it with a brick so the cover wouldn't warp), with a yellow bit of some package for accent, I decided to leave the back cover bare, because I like it. Unless I find something better one day, walking through the alley.

And there you have it.


OHN said...

Thanks for stopping by my little blog corner of the world :)

As for this post...when I die, and come back as a rich, tall, thin, tan person, I will have SO much time for making a book.

Fresca said...

Thanks for commenting!
No need, I hope, to wait for reincarnation to make a book. We short, poor, plump, pale people can do it all now! : )

liz said...

This is so cool!

My "someday" to make one will be when my son grows up and moves out.

(He will move out some day, right?)

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

I will be out of work for about two months due to surgery and this will be a great way to make the time go by.

Thanks for sharing!

Tracy :)

Joe & I said...

Hey Fresca!
I'm Rob. Also walked the Caminoin '11! Remains a major part of my mindscape and plan to walk again and again! :)
Poking around on the web bumped into your stuff. Thanks! Enjoyed you how to make a book too. I was very moved by the poem from your friend with lung cancer and wanted to ask if I might post it to my FB page, complete with photo. Also, appreciated your Meseta 'revelation'. Status free thats for me! POP! Search on Robert Forrester Eastbourne to find me o FB. Cheers, Rob

Frex said...

Hi, fellow peregrino Rob!
Yes, you may certainly share my friend's poem on FB--she would love that. I friended you on FB--they don't let you send a free message there anymore, but Fresca= Francesca (me).